Cambridge University Press
Apocrypha, Authorized King James Version
The Apocrypha consists of the books that are found in the Greek version of the Jewish Bible-the Septuagint, the earliest complete version of the Bible we possess-but that were not included in the final, canonical version of the Hebrew Bible. For this reason, they were called 'Apocrypha,' the hidden or secret books, and while they formed part of the original King James version of 1611, they are no longer included in modern Bibles. Yet they include such important works as The First Book of Maccabees, The Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, and the stories of Susanna, Tobit, and Judith, and other works of great importance for the history of the Jews in the period between the rebuilding of the Temple and the time of Jesus, and thus for the background of the New Testament.